To do & remarks¶
To do¶
- che significa: (reg.exp. sono) finite, complete, decidibili (
- formal logic
- propositional logic
- first order logic
- equivalence relation
- BPMN, un capitolo a parte (2018-12-14, prof.lorenzo rossi, non ho partecipato, non ho appunti)
- 2019-02-21 chg producer consumer: + bisimilar equivalence di PC e Buffer; correcting typoes here and there
- 2019-02-14 chg concetti di base: + context-sensitive grammars, + context-free grammars
- 2019-02-14 chg concetti di base: + semantics
- 2019-02-14 chg concetti di base: + structural operational semantics, denotational semantics
- 2019-02-13 + appendice per l’installazione di CWB_NC in MS Windows
- 2019-02-09 + appendice per l’installazione di CWB in CentOS 6
- 2019-01-06 chg concetti di base: regular grammars
- 2019-01-05 chg concetti di base: automa finito, deterministico e non.
Remarks about latex math notations¶
conditional equations with one-sided curly brackets¶
si scrive:
.. math::
L^i = \begin{cases}
\{\lambda\} & \text{se } i = 0 \\
L \cdot L^{i-1} & \text{se } i > 0
\[\begin{split}L^i = \begin{cases}
\{\lambda\} & \text{se } i = 0 \\
L \cdot L^{i-1} & \text{se } i > 0
two symbols, one over the other¶
si scrive:
si ottiene: \(\overset{def}{=}\)