Created on 10 Jan 2013 ; Modified on 03 Apr 2015 ; Translation: italian
Until the time of writing this note, I thought the quote
"Just because you don't take an interest in politics, doesn't mean politics will not take an interest in you" 1
was told by John F. Kennedy.
I was wrong. It was by Pericles. So it was pronounced well over two thousand years earlier than I thought. A fortiori it is necessary to reflect on what it states.
The next 24th and 25th of February 2013, as Italian citizens, we are called to vote for the election of Parlamient and Senate of the Republic.
I ask: "How do you decide who to vote for?" Or not to vote: whatever your (we) are making a choice.
I am convinced that in making these decisions, there is a strong emotional component. Often after about last scandal, or article, which I read by newspaper or I watched on television. Or chatting with a friend, a relative, a colleague ...
But ..., yes there is a but.
I think that these kinds of decisions request us a capacity to make an objective judgment.
That is why I said: "How do I evaluate the different factions that are organizing for the political elections in 2013?".
After thinking a little, I adopted these guidelines:
The first step allows me to check the reliability of the past governament party. If they didn't keep their promises, they aren't reliable. To analyze their new program would be a waste of time, unless I'm curious about what aspects they aren't feeling to be bound the next legislature.
I need the second point to have a mean to do an objective comparison, to analyze and filter by own beliefs.
The third point concerns a matter on which I am very susceptible (as I am regard the first point too). Legislators should not have had criminal records. I'm convinced there is no question about this. You can not ask voters to comply with the laws, if you do not do this first. By the way, we remeber that the main function of the Parlamient and Senate is to make laws. Can we send there someone that believes that laws only apply to others? No.
If you think it is appropriate to invest a bit of your time to read the programs of the parties who are lining up for the next political election, I list below some links that you may find helpful.
Warning, I insist, the list in question is not complete. Or it may be subject to change over time. So if you find something that you think might interest you, do your research.
If you like aphorisms, here you'll find interesting about politics. ↩