Created on 08 Oct 2012 ; Modified on 29 Sep 2013 ; Translation: italian
I talked about saving issues of a TiddlyWiki using FireFox v.15.
I would like to report a FireFox extension developed recently by Jeremy Ruston that goes beyond the need to modify the FF's configuration file prefs.js
The extension is TiddlyFox.
To install it, download the file xpi
that you'll find at the indicated address. Then, in FireFox run: Tools => Add-Ins => Options button (the gear ...) => install the add-in file ...
. Now you have the usual dialog box to select a file from the file system of your PC. Locate the downloaded xpi
file and confirm the operation. FireFox will load the extension but not the trigger. To enable it, push the Activate
button on the line showing the extension.
Be careful, because the activation of TiddlyFox restart your browser.
At this point you can again save a TiddlyWiki file without bothering to change the prefs.js
file of FireFox.
Great! My big thank you to Jeremy.